"Возможный мир" творчества В. Жилки в контексте белорусской поэзии 20 - 30-х годов XX века
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“Possible World” of V. Zhilka’s Creative Realm in Belarusian Poetical Context in 20s–30s of XX Century The article is devoted to creative world of V. Zhilka as “possible world” in the context of Belarusian poetry dated 20s–30s of the XX century. National poetry of that period is distinguished by a constellation of talented authors, unique poetical themes, inheritance
of artistic traditions. Vladimir Ivanovich Zhilka (1900–1933) was a Belarusian poet and
translator. His verses are focused on the following subjects: love of homeland, unique and
ancient Belarus, emotional and expressive spirit of a creative person, imperfect manifestation of a sign, beauty as a notion and beauty of the surrounding world, music, etc.
These themes are also vividly expressed in rhymes of A. Alexandrovich, Z. Astapenko,
M. Bagun, V. Dubovka, A. Dudar, other authors. Key poetical concepts of V. Zhilka and
the above-mentioned poets are: motherland, melancholy, nature and beauty. It should
be noted that in V. Zhilka’s verses concept of native land is correlated with concepts of
music and sorrow; the melancholy concept has much greater realization extent than the
concept of joy; the concept of nature is very philosophic; converging concepts of beauty
and nature are based on ability of creative personality to explicate emotionally all aspects
of inner ego. In his “possible world” all cited concepts are often realized with semantic
component ‘incomplete expression of a sign, partial manifestation of phenomenon’.
Михайлова Е. В. "Возможный мир" творчества В. Жилки в контексте белорусской поэзии 20 - 30-х годов XX века / Е. В. Михайлова // Kalba ir kontekstai: mokslo darbai. - Vilnius, 2011. - Vol. IV (2). - C. 157 - 166.
Жилка В., Белорусская поэзия, 20 век, 20 век 20 - 30-е годы, Родина, Природа, Красота, Меланхолия