Моделирование концепта "музыка" в поэтическом языке Я. Купалы

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Петрозаводск: МЦНП "Новая наука"
The chapter dwells upon the concept of music in Ya. Kupala's poetry. Modeling of this concept has shown that it is most closely connected with the concepts of poetry, emotions and feelings. The theme of the song and singing is uppermost in the structure of this concept. It is borne out by the titles of the poems, the connection of the theme of the song and singing with the poet's inner world, the combination of the noun song with the verbs of different semantic classes and with various epithets, a rich semantic content of the noun song, the connection of this theme with other themes in the structure of the concept of music, etc. Ya. Kupala's world picture has a musical character, and it is song-oriented.
Михайлова Е. В. Моделирование концепта "музыка" в поэтическом языке Я. Купалы / Е. В. Михайлова // ИННОВАЦИОННОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ НАУКИ: ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ И ПРИКЛАДНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ : монография / [Аламанова Э. А. и др.]. — Петрозаводск : МЦНП «НОВАЯ НАУКА», 2022. — С. 471 - 488.
Концепт "музыка", Концепт "моделирование", Позия, Поэма, Эмоции, Купала Я.