Роль художественного пейзажа в формирования образа Родины в стихотворениях Якуба Коласа 1898 - 1917 гг.

Yakub Kolas (Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich) (1882–1956) is a major Belarusian poet, prose writer, playwright, critic, essay writer, translator, one of the founders of modern Belarusian language and literature. The scope of research is the artistic scenery in the poems written by Yakub Kolas in 1898–1917.The research objective is to determine the role of the artistic scenery in the creation of the Motherland image in the poems written by Kolas during the specified period. The research hypothesis lies in the fact that scenery described by Kolas in his poems, varying in themes and mood, create a visual image of Belarus in the reader’s mind. The research was conducted by using a continuous sampling method, empirical analysis, linguistic analysis of a literary text as well as the art history data involved as interdisciplinary basis for the analysis of the selected poetic texts. In the artistic scenery described by Kolas in his poems in 1898–1917 compositions in the melancholic mood prevail; the images of roads, the sky, fields, seasons, Belarusian waterways, etc. play an important role. The research findings can be used in academic courses in Modern Belarusian and History of Belarusian Literature, specialized courses in linguistic analysis of a literary text and specialized seminars on the works of Yakub Kolas’. Further research includes the analysis of the artistic scenery in poems written by Yakub Kolas in 1917–1956 as well as in poems by Yanka Kupala (I.D. Lutsevich), M.A. Bogdanovich and other Belarusian poets.
Михайлова, Е. В. Роль художественного пейзажа в формирования образа Родины в стихотворениях Якуба Коласа 1898 - 1917 гг. / МИхайлова Е. В. // Cross - Cultural Studies: Edukation and Science. - Volume 2. - Issue 1. - March 2018. - P. 69 - 79
Колас Я., Белорусский, Белорусская литература, Образ Родины, Стихотворения, Художественный пейзаж